

I was going to write a post about how I don’t really get Christmas – that is, it doesn’t do anything for me. I get it on religious and sociological levels, but that’s it. I saw this video from illdoctrine today, and I don’t really feel like writing it anymore. Ahh….sweet apathy.

Rainy Sunday

It’s raining outside, and I’m looking for any excuse not to study. Five finals in two days. Too much. I’ve always wanted to make a picture like this, ever since I first saw people posting theirs online. It’s funny what you come up with when you’re trying to avoid something.


I talked with Enoch the other day. Enoch is the owner of the truck wash where the bus is hanging out. He says it is fine if it stays until March. I’m glad I don’t have to go down during Thanksgiving, it would have been difficult, and I wouldn’t have been able to get it back here in time. It would have just been moved somewhere else on the West Coast. So in March, Mark and I will fly out there and fix the bus, and then drive back to CT.


My trusty-as-hell sandals have finally broken. These were by far the best pair of sandals I’ve ever owned. They lasted through two summers of continuous use, and through much of the spring and fall as well. I’m going to need a new pair of shoes next year, and I’m almost certainly going to turn to keen again.


Mario misses me. He was waiting on the bed outside the shower when I came out. When he realized I was just going into another bathroom to shave, he went downstairs and waited for me on the couch. He likes the couches in the living room because they have a good view of the stairs, and sure enough as I walk down the stairs he is sitting at one end, with his head on the armrest. I’m usually there for him in the mornings when my parents aren’t around. Now he’s lonely again. Me too.



In Middle School and for most of my life before, I showered at night. It made sense to me, since I would wash off all the grime from the day, and could go to bed, wake up clean, and get on with my day. I shifted to morning showers in high school, and in college, since I wasn’t getting especially dirty, and this way I’d be at my cleanest when I was out and about. I’ve moved back to evening showers, since I’m getting dirty again, and waking up early. Just thought it was interesting to note. When you shower reflects more than you think.

New Job

Started my new job today. I really like it. I’m organizing surplus inventory for a furnace factory, and helping sell it off on eBay. It seems like a really cool place to work, with nice laid back people. Several people said to me it doesn’t really matter what goes on as long as the work gets done, which is a great attitude for a business, if not a life. I think this is going to work well.