
Things I ordered have started showing up. My pack is here, along with two little trinkets that may help me on the road. More is on the way. I just need to make a penny stove and get my mess kit back from the bus, and I’ll be all set. I should have just about everything I’ll need to live out of my backpack in summer weather. It isn’t too hard to convert it to accommodate cool weather, but it cuts into the amount of food I’m able to carry.

I obsessively research gear before I buy it, and take cues from others who do the same. Tynan and Tim Ferriss both have good tips, but expensive taste. There is certainly gear where performance corresponds to price, but there is much that is simply unnecessary to splurge on. That’s kind of what my pack looks like now.

I go back and forth on some things, like a lighter, knife, and footwear. I can get decent lighters and knives for a couple bucks, and so far, I think that’s the best option. I might feel differently once I’m in a situation where I need more from my tools than they can give me, but until then, I’ll keep it cheap. Shoes are the item I go back and forth on the most. A cheap pair will do fine, but I would be far more comfortable and presentable in a more pricey pair. So far, I’m erring on the cheap side. We’ll see how that pans out.


My trusty-as-hell sandals have finally broken. These were by far the best pair of sandals I’ve ever owned. They lasted through two summers of continuous use, and through much of the spring and fall as well. I’m going to need a new pair of shoes next year, and I’m almost certainly going to turn to keen again.