
I was asked to set up some forums so we can discuss things, and not clog up the main site, so I did. You can see them at If you’re already a user on this site, you don’t need to register again, and can log in with the same information.

I was asked to set up some forums so we can discuss things, and not clog up the main site, so I did. You can see them at If you’re already a user on this site, you don’t need to register again, and can log in with the same information.

Fun Fact

I was listening to something today about someone living outside a city, and I was thinking about how Boston and New York are both relatively near my hometown. So, I checked on Google Maps to see the distances from Middletown to Boston and New York, respectively. They differ by one minute. It is just over two hours to either. Cool.

From Cheney With Love

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Tank – Exploded Assembly, originally uploaded by somjuan.

No video, because there isn’t much tangible to show yet, and I figured it would just be a little weird showing Joe and I walking around real excited-like. Here […]

Tank – Exploded Assembly, originally uploaded by somjuan.

No video, because there isn’t much tangible to show yet, and I figured it would just be a little weird showing Joe and I walking around real excited-like. Here is a page of the plans for the tank, which is being welded together specially for this project. It’s a nice looking rig, and I should be able to post completed pictures soon.

Seeking Sponsors

Well, there is enough money to cover the conversion, but to make this project really shine we need a little more money. So I’ve started an official search for sponsors. Hence, the eBay auction.
If you know anyone who is interested, point them my way.
Also, I should be visiting Cheney […]

Well, there is enough money to cover the conversion, but to make this project really shine we need a little more money. So I’ve started an official search for sponsors. Hence, the eBay auction.

If you know anyone who is interested, point them my way.

Also, I should be visiting Cheney Tech later this week, and I’ll post video of what has happened so far, and what will be happening soon.

Update on the $2 per day thing

In class today, one of my professors showed statistics contrasting how households spent money in the early 1900s with how they did in 2000. While that isn’t important, one of the statistics from 2000 got my attention: Food 13.6%.

Assuming that percentage has not changed too much in since 2000 (which may be a big assumption – I’ve emailed the professor asking for a source and if there may be any more current stats), 13.6% of $21,200 (the current U.S. poverty line for a family of 4) is $2,883.2. $2 per person per day for a family of 4 is $2,920, a difference of under $40. In fact, the difference per day is about three cents.

I can’t really draw any conclusions from this until I know the source, but it seems that my findings may not be far off from the government’s.

UPDATE: Got an update from my professor: it is from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and he pointed me to more recent reports, one of which actually breaks it down by income. Link to summary, link to full.

The Plan

I met with Joe today, and we went over the grand master plan for the bus conversion. The veggie tank, heat exchanger, and general configuration are all set. It is fairly simple, and each little step is easy to explain (I’ll show you everything once it is done). The trick is getting […]

I met with Joe today, and we went over the grand master plan for the bus conversion. The veggie tank, heat exchanger, and general configuration are all set. It is fairly simple, and each little step is easy to explain (I’ll show you everything once it is done). The trick is getting all the simple things working together.

The bus needs a little other work too. The brake lines need some work, and I’m certain that more will come to light after they make a real inspection. But all of that is still a ways in the future. The good news is that we now have a plan to follow, and I’ll be sure to keep this site updated with the progress.

$2 per day

I figured I should write this down before I erase it from my whiteboard.

1lb pasta @ $1.5 / 4 srv = $0.375
1lb oatmeal @ 3.14 / 12 srv = $0.262
1 loaf bread @ $1.6 / 10 srv = $0.16
misc. fillings @ $7 / 7 days = $1
TOTAL / PERSON / DAY = $1.797

I made bread!

Yes friends, its true. I’m so proud. With this simple recipe, I was able to make bread from start to finish in about four hours or so. If you choose to do this, I have some suggestions: get a real pot holder/oven mitt. I’ve got a real nice burn because the paper towel I was using was not adequate. On the plus side, I’ll have a really interesting looking fingerprint from now on. Also, don’t let your first impressions trick you. It may come out of the oven rock hard, but its just about perfect. Once it cools you can cut it up and enjoy. Oh, and you probably shouldn’t bake on plates you use to eat, even if they are oven safe. And if you do, you should probably oil them or something so there isn’t a layer of bread burnt on to them.

Anyway, I made bread.

Heavy Things

Whoa, I just saw the last posts from this blog in Google Reader, and its getting way too heavy. Let’s lighten things up. Here’s a unicode snowman for you:


Recently I’ve been missing the show more than usual, so I went out looking for a new vlog to latch on to. And I didn’t find any. Most of the things that come up when I’m looking for vlogs are just internet videos. Meaning shows that could be anywhere, but happen to be on the internet. Some examples are Rocketboom, Ask a Ninja, and Robert Krampf’s Experiment of the Week. That doesn’t mean they’re bad, just not what I’m looking for.

So I went to askme, figuring someone had already asked something along those lines, but they hadn’t, so I did. Two responses. I got 80 when I was looking for Boring Books. Does no one watch vlogs anymore, or are there just no vlogs to watch?

It is worth noting that the suggestions that I got were good. ill doctrine is a vlog that seems to be about hiphop, but from what I’ve watched seems to be often about other things. And Brigitte Dale’s vlog is about as close as I think I’ll get to the show.

the show was the first vlog I ever followed, and I loved it. But I remember reading that it would take him hours each day to compose those few minute episodes. I’d imagine that’s why there aren’t more people vlogging. Someday I’ll give vlogging a shot, but that’s a long way from now. I need to have something worth doing first.