$2 per day

I figured I should write this down before I erase it from my whiteboard.

1lb pasta @ $1.5 / 4 srv = $0.375
1lb oatmeal @ 3.14 / 12 srv = $0.262
1 loaf bread @ $1.6 / 10 srv = $0.16
misc. fillings @ $7 / 7 days = $1
TOTAL / PERSON / DAY = $1.797

2 thoughts on “$2 per day”

  1. Sorry buddy. People need meat & veggies & fruit too. Otherwise, people will get scurvy. Bleeding gums = no thanks. hahaha.

    I like your idea tho. I’d say about $7 a day if we let bread products take up most of our diet, but occasionally eating other stuff to keep us healthy.

  2. The “misc. fillings” account for that. If we round up to $2, that’s $1.2/day on things to put in the sandwich, oatmeal, and pasta. Pasta sauce can provide your concern for vitamins from fruit and veggies, and cold cuts can give you protein. Since that $1.2/day totals to $8.4/week, you can easily afford both.

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