
Cassidy by the Grateful Dead

So, it has taken me forever to get around to it, but I’ve finally signed up for FeedBurner. I’m not really sure why it took so long. I guess it was because I never really cared (and to be fair, I still don’t) about the stats or whatever on my personal blog. But I did care about the stats on juanway.org, so I went on over to FeedBurner to get that all set up. In the process of setting up that blog, I noticed that FeedBurner is pretty damn nice – significantly nicer than when I last saw it (ages ago). So I’ve gone and changed this blog over to FeedBurner as well. You don’t need to update your feeds though, they should redirect automagically. If you’re reading this through an RSS reader now, then it has obviously worked.

So I guess the only real reason I’m posting this (besides to gush about FeedBurner) is to give a heads up to anyone reading this through RSS, because thanks to FB I’ve included my del.icio.us bookmarks in the same feed. Which is rather cool.


House from the backyard, originally uploaded by somjuan.

That picture shows the house we’ll be renting for the next two years, as seen from the backyard. It isn’t exactly near campus, but its gorgeous, and decently priced. I know I’m looking forward to it. Some more pictures:

River in the backyardRock in the backyard, near river


Ugh, since about this time last week, I’ve been feeling really crappy. I don’t get sick often, but when I do, its always really bad. That’s why there were no posts this last week, and probably won’t be for a few more days.

Back Home

We got home yesterday around 9 or 10 in the morning. The bus is sitting in its spot next to the garage, and it is just as long as the building (maybe longer). Lots of stories from the trip. Hopefully Ali will help me tell some of them. Until then, there […]

We got home yesterday around 9 or 10 in the morning. The bus is sitting in its spot next to the garage, and it is just as long as the building (maybe longer). Lots of stories from the trip. Hopefully Ali will help me tell some of them. Until then, there are pictures from the trip on Flickr.

I’m probably not going to do any more work on the bus for a while, because I unfortunately have other things that I need to get done as well. As always, check here for updates.

We got it!

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We got it!, originally uploaded by somjuan.

We got to Rochester around 1800, and left around 2200 or 2300 central time, after a night on the town with Kim Wilson and Co., but that deserves its […]

We got it!, originally uploaded by somjuan.

We got to Rochester around 1800, and left around 2200 or 2300 central time, after a night on the town with Kim Wilson and Co., but that deserves its own post.

Moving again

So we were stuck for about 48 hours in Pittsburgh, but we’re moving
again, and we’re past Chicago, on our way to Madison. We should get
to Rochester by tonight.

So we were stuck for about 48 hours in Pittsburgh, but we’re moving
again, and we’re past Chicago, on our way to Madison. We should get
to Rochester by tonight.


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Stuck, originally uploaded by somjuan.

We’re stuck in Pittsburgh, thanks to snow in Ohio, which is now heading here.

Stuck, originally uploaded by somjuan.

We’re stuck in Pittsburgh, thanks to snow in Ohio, which is now heading here.

New Phone!

New Phone!, originally uploaded by somjuan.

I got a new phone, so now I can post entries, pictures and video from my phone. Sweet.

I’m not Magic

WP by Matisyahu

Ever since about Junior year of High School, people have assumed I smoked pot, or did some other drugs. I think it’s largely because of my laid-back attitude, and my more non-standard goals. And the fact that I listen to a lot of jambands doesn’t help me any. I’ve had people ask me on many, many occasions if I smoke, but more often people just assume it. When they get to know me better, and find out that I don’t smoke, drink, or do any drugs at all, they’re surprised. Its weird.

I’m not magic. I don’t do drugs in secret and my brain doesn’t naturally produce THC. There are a bunch of other reasons people come up with to figure out why I am the way I am. A lot of people suggest that I get a contact high at shows I go to. I’m pretty sure I haven’t, but if I have, it is incredibly overrated, and inferior to many of the highs I get everyday in life. There is nothing uniquely different about me that makes me the way I am, except for my worldview.

I think a lot of people make up those excuses for me because if they were true, then there is something magic about me that is completely unattainable for everyone else. I’m not magic, and anyone can see the world the way I do, if they try. I know people who don’t do drugs who think similarly to me. It isn’t unattainable, and I don’t want to be an excuse for people to use drugs anymore. I’m not going to stop anyone, but I’m not going to let them bullshit themselves either.


So its been a week without posts. Quasi busy week, but even with that nothing especially interesting happened that warranted blogging about it. Normally that’s when I’d write about something that happened a long while ago, or write about something that doesn’t have a time limitation. But I didn’t. So I’ll write about someone else.

I Promise Tomorrow Today by Ali Telmesani

Ali has been recording stuff for a while, and its been getting better and better. And this song is really good. He needs a website, but since he doesn’t have one, check out his purevolume page.