Cassidy by the Grateful Dead
So, it has taken me forever to get around to it, but I’ve finally signed up for FeedBurner. I’m not really sure why it took so long. I guess it was because I never really cared (and to be fair, I still don’t) about the stats or whatever on my personal blog. But I did care about the stats on, so I went on over to FeedBurner to get that all set up. In the process of setting up that blog, I noticed that FeedBurner is pretty damn nice – significantly nicer than when I last saw it (ages ago). So I’ve gone and changed this blog over to FeedBurner as well. You don’t need to update your feeds though, they should redirect automagically. If you’re reading this through an RSS reader now, then it has obviously worked.
So I guess the only real reason I’m posting this (besides to gush about FeedBurner) is to give a heads up to anyone reading this through RSS, because thanks to FB I’ve included my bookmarks in the same feed. Which is rather cool.