Cool. I’ve been playing around with the layout of this site for a while now, and I’m really enjoying it. It is based on the zenburn color scheme, because it is really nice to look at. And I had a lot of fun making the little menu up top, and there will be more like that elsewhere about the site when I get time. I realize that anyone who reads this site reads it through an rss feed, but the site design is still worth noting. On that topic: update your rss feed.
Uh, what else? The main reason I switched domains is so I can make a site that is meant to be outward facing, as opposed to my previous site which was meant to be a bit more private. But I’ve gone back and tagged the archives, and things are a little more discoverable. There were some weird trends that emerged as I went through the posts. I tagged a lot more posts “sleep” than I had figured I would. That is all.