
Getting the bus

So it seems a bunch of people want to come with me to Minnesota. I’m not really sure why, but I’m not going to tell them no. So I’m posting this to say that if you’re interested, and can pay for a Greyhound ticket and food, you’re welcome to come.
Its a […]

So it seems a bunch of people want to come with me to Minnesota. I’m not really sure why, but I’m not going to tell them no. So I’m posting this to say that if you’re interested, and can pay for a Greyhound ticket and food, you’re welcome to come.

Its a two day bus ride out there, and a day plus ride back. If you are interested, let me know.


1979 by the Smashing Pumpkins

My only nightmares anymore are school-related. And not the cliche “I’m in lecture and somehow not wearing clothes how embarrassing!” nightmares. No, mine are far more evil.

This morning I woke up thinking it was Tuesday, and that I hadn’t written the paper due at 1400 (which I’m working on today). In the dream I hadn’t written the paper, but I woke up still thinking it. That’s a horrible feeling. It’s happened to me before, too. I remember waking up thinking I hadn’t studied for my history exam that day. After about a half an hour of ruffling through my crap thinking I had lost my book, I realized that not only was there no exam that day, but I wasn’t even enrolled in a history class.

I’ve got to figure out some way of devaluing school while not failing out.

I can’t remember having a normal irrational-fear-with-weird-things-after-me nightmare since high school. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not.


KaBump by Umphrey’s McGee

On Wednesday, from 1400 to 0400 on Thursday, Towers didn’t have power. Something about a transformer exploding…decepticons…I dunno. Whatever the case, that left all of us without TVs, computers, or lights (at least in our rooms). The lights in the halls still worked, and as the sun set people started moving into the halls.

For a while there were very few of us there (5 or 6 max) because UConn was playing Notre Dame, and I guess people care about those kinds of things. Those few of us who didn’t sat in the hall, killing time. We drew on the massive whiteboard I have in my room, I did a little reading, played banjo, talked. One of the girls sitting in the hall with us was complaining how it was the worst day of her life…

Folks started coming back from the game, so suddenly there were a lot of people with nothing to do. A few people just left, going to the library or a friend’s dorm. Everyone else decided to play a board game in the hall. I read instead, since it was one of those party pseudo-board games I can’t really stand. About an hour after that game was over, I realized and said to Dan, “I’m finally out of things to do.” I started tossing a stress ball against the wall.

After a little while I moved that out into the hall. I hit a bunch of people with it accidentally, and then not so accidentally, and that was when the first event of the night started. There was a group of people on either end of our hall, and we took turns hucking it as hard as we could at the other group. No rules, no goal, just pointless fun. Like the games we used to play in elementary school. That went on for a few hours, with people coming and going and coming back again or walking out unwittingly into the crossfire.

Finally everyone was tired of that, or had tired out their throwing arm (we were really whipping it) and it dissolved. Another pseudo-board game had started up, and other people were just milling around the hall. I suggested to the people just standing around that we should rolly-chair joust. Somehow, these people had gone to school for one or more years and had never rolly-chair jousted. So Dan and I brought our chairs out, and we were the first up. We didn’t really have anything to joust with, so we just held our arms out straight in front of us. We each went to one side, and then someone pushed us to give us some speed. My favourite description of it came from someone who didn’t even see it. He saw me and Josh (who was pushing me) back up against the end of the hall, and then we started, leaving his field of vision, and after two seconds of silence, there was a massive crash. He came around the corner and saw Dan and I on the ground laughing.

I’ve gotta admit, this was the most hardcore rolly-chair jousting I’ve ever done. Dan and I were facing each other when we hit, and I got his knee right in my thigh (I was limping around for a while – it still kinda hurts now) and he got the metal part of my chair against his shin (which actually drew blood). Neither of us cared too much about the pain, and we convinced (well, maybe forced) the folks who had pushed us to take our place for a second round. I liked this, because Josh came away with a footprint on his chest. For the record, my chair dew blood again. Battle chair.

The CAs said we really couldn’t do that anymore, since apparently it was loud enough that they could hear it on the first floor. It was getting late anyway, and I had to somehow wake up for class. I went to bed, and within an hour it sounded like most people had left the halls. That Wednesday night felt more like a Friday night than any Friday has so far.

Three Years of Excellence in Blogging

Peaceful Valley by Ryan Adams

Ok, maybe not excellence, but I have been blogging for three years, which is cool. It’s always fun to look through the archives and see what I was talking about at [some given point]. I can walk through noteworthy events in my life that I definitely don’t remember.

It occurred to me recently that there are people who are alive today who have blogged throughout most of their adolescence and will continue to until they die. What an incredible record of a person’s life, all of it autobiographical. I hope families will realize the values of these, and keep their presence online.’s wayback machine doesn’t really like my blog, but it has a couple snapshots of the old I’m going to try my hardest to keep some form of a blog running for the rest of my life (hopefully right here). It would be incredible to look back on this 10 or 20 or more years from now.

Don’t worry blog, I promise to keep you as almost in the loop as you always were.

Bittorrent Advancements

Puttin’ People On The Moon by Drive-By Truckers

I started using AllPeers again recently, and since I had last used it, they added Bittorrent functionality. But even more interesting, is that they let you download individual files from a torrent. Because of UConn’s bittorrent cockblock, I haven’t even opened a torrent client on this computer yet, so I don’t know if this is a wide-spread feature or not.

Whatever the case, a website called BitLet (which I guess has some connection to Mininova) has launched, and it allows you to stream music from within a torrent. Yes, its cool, but apparently, there is video on the way. That is far cooler. So I started snooping around to see if I could find out any more about this technology, and apparently there is something called Bittorrent DNA put out by Bittorrent Inc. which does something similar. As I understand it, its a backend that you could integrate into a site like YouTube, and have users supply some of the bandwidth via bittorrent protocol.

So all of this new functionality got me thinking about my idea for a browser based off bittorrent protocol, where webpages and other things would be served up from the people viewing the site, instead of a central server. I don’t have anywhere near the technical knowledge that I would need to pursue this project, but I’m going to keep designing it to see if it could be feasible. Right now I’m thinking it would be best to have it as a Firefox extension, so it would be easily adopted by users. I’ll post more about this when I figure it out.

Where We Stand

So, I talked to the guy selling the bus both yesterday and today, and he’s really cool. He’s willing to hang on to it for a while, until I can get time to get out to MN and pick it up. So I’ll be heading out a month from today (March 6th) to […]

So, I talked to the guy selling the bus both yesterday and today, and he’s really cool. He’s willing to hang on to it for a while, until I can get time to get out to MN and pick it up. So I’ll be heading out a month from today (March 6th) to pick up the bus. By Greyhound it should take about two days to get out there, and I should arrive and leave on Saturday, returning with the bus. This means that there probably won’t be any updates to this blog until closer to when I head out, but I’m pumped anyway. Let’s see if I can carry this high for a month.

If you didn’t see the pictures yet, here they are:


Vote on Tuesday by Tea Leaf Green

Due to a combination of laziness (I’m still an independent) and classes (from 0930 to 2100) I won’t be voting in the primaries. I hope you do/did.

I was a bit conflicted as to how I should vote. Of all the candidates, the one who I really want to vote for is Ron Paul, but I know he has no chance of winning the nomination, and with the front-runners as close as they are, I figured I should choose between feasible candidates. In which case I would have gone for Obama. This is all moot, of course, but I feel like explaining it anyway.

So I guess that’s about it. We’ll see how it all unfolds tonight.


I finally won a bus! It’s a 1990 International with 210k miles, DOT certified until March. And it looks beautiful. I’ll be heading out to pick it up (1200 miles away) either this weekend or the next. I’ll definitely keep this updated on any developments.

I finally won a bus! It’s a 1990 International with 210k miles, DOT certified until March. And it looks beautiful. I’ll be heading out to pick it up (1200 miles away) either this weekend or the next. I’ll definitely keep this updated on any developments.

Homey Airport

Joe: Homey Airport?
Joe: WTF????
John: ya:(
Joe: it’s still Area 51
Joe: fuck homey airport
John: I think they’re trying to accomplish the same thing they’re doing at UConn
John: we have Community Assistants instead of Resident Assistants
John: they’re trying to identify aliens as our homeys
Joe: i think we should take a moment to remember the definition of “alien”

Be Kind Rewind

So I’ve just been turned on to this movie, Be Kind Rewind. Here, watch the trailer:

Now if that didn’t sell you on this movie, watch this trailer for it:

That’s nothing short of brilliant. I’m going to see this movie.