
Movies with Agenda

I was thinking about how movies that are meant to move you work. I’m thinking of theatrical movies, not documentaries or the like. A good example would be Crash, which deals with racism in America through fictional anecdotes. I think the majority of movies work the way Crash does. They present a problem that the audience is familiar with, and then the characters conquer it. Crash is certainly a movie that plays out exactly like this. They focus on a systemic problem, like racism, and bring it down to an individual level to tell a story. And in the end, racism is defeated! Now leave and be happy you’re better than those racists.

Another approach, which I think is more realistic and more effective is what we see in American History X (sticking with the theme of racism). American History X shrinks down the systemic problem to tell a story, and the main character overcomes their bigotry, but racism still wins in the end. It treats the problem of racism as a systemic problem, which it is, instead of an individual problem. Just because the main character has come around, does not mean the rest of the world has as well. As usual, no real conclusion here, just though those little differences were interesting.

I think I found a use for again. It’s an idea stemming off that older idea for an anonymous blogging service. The idea is a collaborative storytelling project in the form of a wiki blog. Meaning it would still be presented like a blog, in reverse chronological order, but the entries would be editable by anyone.

This is the sort of thing that would take a fair sized community to work, so I don’t know exactly how it would be pulled off, and the code to do such a thing doesn’t exactly exist yet (though I think I can cobble something out of WP). Just an idea for now, not sure how serious I am about doing it, but if it worked it could be very cool.

Sleep Logistics

I’m home for the weekend getting various things done. It works out well for my parents, who are out of town – I’m watching Mario for them. Mario likes to be wherever the people are, both day and night. During the day he’ll sit on your lap, and at night he’ll sleep on your bed. For such a tiny dog, he takes a lot of space on a bed.

On my tiny twin bed, I awoke the other night to find he’d pushed me to the side, and was spread over most of the foot of the bed. I nudged him a bit so I could stretch out my legs and get some blood flowing in them again, and we drifted off to sleep again. A few hours later, loud thump woke me, and I saw Mario on the floor looking up at me, visibly annoyed. We’ve been sleeping in the Big Bed since then.

I don’t think I’ve seen him fall off the bed before, but I can remember several times it happened to me. One time in particular, I was so tangled up in my sheets, that when I rolled over the edge, I just dangled there, suspended about a foot above the ground. I woke up hanging there, freaked out, and promptly hit the ground.

Student Teachers

I’ve never quite understood students who teach in class. Not TAs or grad students, but undergrads within a class who feel the need to teach. Sometimes they’re teaching the very thing the professor is trying to teach, and other times it is completely unrelated. It has always struck me as odd, and I’ve seriously considered dropping classes when I discover I have a student teacher as a classmate.

There are times I can almost understand it – sometimes your educational background has taught you something that conflicts with what you are being taught now. It happens to me often, but I ask the professor after class, instead of explaining where I am coming from to the entire class, and then asking my question. A little perspective goes a long way.


The phone came on Wednesday, and ate most of the night. That went something like this. Then it ate most of Thursday, and I brought it with me to Cheney today. So now my phone has established itself as my significant other, and I’m pretty happy.

S for Snuggie

So I know a lot of people have been making jokes at Snuggie‘s expense, but there’s been something about that infomercial that always bugged me, and I just recently figured out what it was. The free item they offer – the book light – I’ve seen it before. In fact, most of you probably have as well, if you saw V for Vendetta. The book light is the same as the debugging device used in V for Vendetta. Nothing groundbreaking, I just think it’s interesting. Take a look:


Burnt Out

So while most of my classes this semester are interesting, and some are actually productive (I’m learning things), there is a lot to do. I never go over the top with essays (except in the rare case that I’m actually qualified to talk about something), but they still take a while. I guess I don’t completely half-ass my work, but I’m far below an average student. Even with this stellar work ethic, I’ve had loads of work to do that last few weeks. I’ve spent all of today working on various assignments, and I’m still not where I should be.

It doesn’t help that I’ve been recently reading articles pointing to the growing irrelevancy of college degrees. Nothing new really, it’s just starting to come from more legitimate sources. My head physically feels like it’s about to pop. I need to stop caring again.

I noticed today that my process of getting to work is really depressing. I start out thinking about the project as a whole, and my mind usually wanders to other unrelated subjects. Then I’ll just sit around and stare at my project for a while, and tell myself that I won’t do anything else until it is done (and I don’t). Once I’ve finally beaten myself into submission, I can get to work. Psh


I’m getting a new phone. I’m really excited about it. I’m definitely a gadget geek, and this is seriously gadgetier than anything else I’ve ever had. The Nokia N95 is a ridiculously impressive phone, which is surprising considering it was released two years ago. In a field where new devices are announced weekly, for a phone to be released, and stay on the cutting edge for two years is amazing. This phone has more functionality than my laptop, and it fits in my pocket.

This is my substitute for a laptop this summer. It can shoot, edit, and upload VGA video; act as a wireless access point for whoever brings a laptop; geotag photos and throw them on flickr; and stupid amounts of other things. I’m really anxious to get it, so I can mess around with it, but is taking forever to ship it. That’s where I am right now.

The Game

Joe: shit, i just lost the game
John: haha
Joe: i lost it last night too
Joe: i heard some guy on the first floor shouting “SHIT FUCK SON OF A BITCH FUCK…” on and on
Joe: and i thought “either he’s got tourrettes or he just lost something really important”
Joe: then i lost the game
Joe: i lost the game again
Joe: ever since i walked past that guy’s room and he was swearing his ass off, any time i walk by that room and hear people shouting i lose the game
Joe: i’ve been considering walking a different way to my room, but the first few times i try it i’m going to be too conscious of the fact i’m doing it just to avoid losing the game
Joe: just wondering once if that would be a good idea made me lose
John: if it becomes habit though, it could work
Joe: if i want to keep up in the game, i’m gonna have to stay out of my dorm
Joe: maybe stay off campus, to be safe
Joe: i was reading a lot last night
Joe: even after i stopped talking to you
Joe: lost the game again

Almost Legit

After that server move, some stuff on the Landshark site got messed up, and I only just got around to fixing it. I almost went and recoded the site before I figured out the problem was simple enough to fix. That site really is a piece of crap, and someday I’m going to have to rewrite it. I’m not looking forward to that.

I finally installed Apache locally, so I can play around with things offline. This is seriously something I should have done years ago, but never did. Though I bookmarked MAMP, I went with xampp. I’m pretty sure MAMP is just a downstream version of xampp, except that they changed it enough that it performed significantly worse on my system. Whatever the case, I’m now almost legitimate. I’m still a pretty casual coder, but this might actually take me to the next level.