2nd Semester

Well, second semester finally kinda started for me. I had a bumpy start switching majors and choosing classes, but its all worked out, like it somehow always does.

Overall, this semester is looking 100 times better than the first. Not only do I have teachers who are interesting and passionate about what they teach, but the subjects they are teaching are interesting. Good combination. There is one exception, English. My professor is the most straitlaced and dull peron I have met to date. I think the class has the potential to be interesting, but I know it will never achieve it.


PagCam is back online. Always fun.

Couple things about the site in general. If you haven’t noticed, I’ve removed Google’s AdSense ads from the site. They weren’t bringing in any money, and they made the pages load slower, so byebye. Also, as I mentioned in the shoutbox, I made the word of the moment link to a google search for that word(s). This is mainly because I ended up doing this anyway with weird words or phrases, just to see what came up. And being the lazy person I am, I decided to make my life easier with code. w00t

End transmission.

2 thoughts on “2nd Semester”

  1. I told you that “b’oh!” was from a Simpsons episode.

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