
Figured I’d post a blog entry since nothing else is happening.

Its summer, and things are slow. Thank God.

Right now, I’m basically waiting for my Powerbook to arrive. We ordered it on Wednesday, and FedEx is expecting it to show up tomorrow. Expect me to do even less with this site once that shows up.
I’m pretty sure it’ll have my full attention for at least a week. Or maybe not.

For those of you who’ve met my dog, Mario, there is some funny news.
He got most of his hair cut off from his last visit to…where ever he gets his hair cut. I dunno, I don’t ask him these things.

Anyway, he isn’t exactly the cute, curly puppy he no doubt was when you saw him last. He’s been buzzed almost all over his body, showing how skinny he really is.

Its impossible not to laugh, which is a bad thing for me. My mouth still hurts, and laughing sure doesn’t help.

Anyway, this entry is going no where, so I’m just going to shut up and go to bed.

Enjoy your night.


Feelin a little weird.

Four wisdom teeth pulled this morning, and I had to miss the Spaceship v. the Mustang trial, which I was looking forward to.

Although, I have to say, I like whatever anesthesia they used during the surgery. It was an IV, which I knew going in, and honestly, was what I was most concerned about. I’ve never had one of those before, and I’ve had a terrible fear of needles for all my life (which I’m slowly getting over).
But this stuff is awesome.
Not two minutes after they stuck it in me, I was out cold. And for those two minutes up to that point, you can feel it going to work. Very cool feeling.

The surgury was about an hour long, and I guess thats about how long I was out, but I can’t remember anything else until I got home.
Apparently, we stopped at Stop & Shop to pick up my meds, and we stopped at Everything Ice Cream where I apparently wanted a milkshake. I don’t remember any of this, though.

But seriously, if I ever need to get anything done, I totally want this IV thing. Love it.

I’m on vicodin, which I gotta say, is really over-rated. You’d have to take a ton of these things to get a buzz off of them. They do well enough to ease the pain in my mouth, but I’m pretty level headed and not at all loopy.

Now the unpleasant stuff.

I was about 15 minutes late on my second dose of pain-killers, which resulted in my mouth hurting like it had never hurt before. If you ever gotta get your wisdom teeth out, make sure you don’t miss them doeses.

I had an ice pack on each cheek for about 8 hours today.

I still can’t keep food down. I puked up most of my milkshake earlier today, and most of my dinner between the Fractal Recursions and The old man and the tree posts. Its mostly from swallowing too much blood, I think.

So, all in all, much fun…or something.

The good news is I’ll be updating again. I might also try to do some backend work on this site since I’m too messed up to really do anything else.

If you see me on IM, please, bug me. I’d like to talk to people.

Oh Snap

Well, I’m back…and I had a good vacation…but

I just found out I’m getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow morning. poo

Don’t worry, as long as I’m conscious, I’ll update.


So I’m going away again. I leave later today (July 30th) and I’ll be back August 7th.
EDIT: Not leaving until tomorrow, the 31st. Not sure how my family screwed up that little detail, but whatever.

Joe is in charge of the news stuff again, and he’ll be approving any submissions you…submit.

Also, to whoever wins the contest, if you don’t want anything in the stores, or want me to change something, or make something custom, I’d be happy to. But, you’ll have to wait.
I’ve been meaning to revamp the stores for some time, but I haven’t been able to get around to it.

Its on my to-do list, along with blog comments and some other backend stuff.

Also, Dukes of Hazard opens next Friday, August 5th. Dunno if you guys want to do a screening of that, but if you do, you’re going to have to plan it on your own. Use the forums, they’d like the attention.

Oh, right, one other thing I wanted to mention. Radio Paradise, which I posted earlier this week, is amazing. At first, I had liked it enough to post it. But then I started to listen to it for extended periods of time, and its really, really great. Highly recommended.

#236: As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. It is in such twilight that we all must be most aware of change in the air–however slight–lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness.
-W. O. Douglas

Greyfox 2005

I finally got my pictures developed, and they’re on Flickr right now.


I’ll update this post with an actual description of things later.
EDIT: Don’t have time to do that, I guess. I’ll make another post for that when I get back.

Oh, almost forgot. I found another good site online with decent pics from Greyfox 05 and years past.


Well, Joe’s intarweb is being spazzy on him, so I guess I’ll plug this show for him.

I thought I’d let you know my internet is being bothersome these days. It doesn’t load very much of anything, and when it does, it does slowly. I’m surprised it even lets me check my e-mail. So if you don’t see me online for awhile, that’s why.

MacBeth is playing Thursday through Friday, 7:30 PM, at Oddfellows as usual. Tickets are the usual price that I forget, but it’s something like $10, but less for students. In my brief year at the playhouse, I’ve come to expect the shows to fill up quickly, so call to reserve your seat. (860) 347-6143.

I’ll be there tomorrow night, so anyone else there make sure to say hi.

Dig it

I’m Back

Yup, I’m back.

Greyfox 05 was excellent, and the promise of another year on the hill made it even better. (Since I’m sure none of you know what I meant by that) There was much talk that this was going to be the last year at the Rothvoss Farm. It has been in other locations in the past, but all before my time. I’ve never been anywhere else. They announced Saturday night that it would be on the hill at least one more year, which is some of the best news I’ve heard all year.

Thinking this was the last year at this location, I brought cameras (those one time use things) to take loads of pictures. Once I get the pics back, I’ll throw em up online for you all to see, and I’ll probably explain more about the festival then, for those of you not familliar with it.

This was definately the best I’ve been to yet. The music and people were excellent, and I had a great time. That doesn’t do it justice, but to really go into it requires more energy than I’m willing to commit right now.

But, I’m back – and the weather here blows. Hot, humid, and I still don’t have air conditioning. Coming out of the world on the hill, back to real life, and crappy weather no less, sucks. Also, I’m lacking a project.

I need something to keep my mind busy. Before Greyfox, I think it was this site. Leaving it for a week or so has made me start to think about other things I could start / try to be doing. I’ll probably get back into the swing of things over the course of this week.

I was feeling sorta down when I started this post, but I’m feeling better.
Real life got to me, but I think I lost it, so no worries.

#239: I find that the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving; To reach the port of heaven, we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it–but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor.

-Oliver Wendell Holmes


Alright, I’m gonna be gone until Sunday. Take care of the site for me.

Sorry, I’ve been sucking at updating the site this weekend/today. Starting the vacation a little early… eh

I’ll be taking loads of photos, and I’ll be sure to upload em when I get back.

Submit a couple stories, get more stuff on the main page while I’m not around, and get yourself in that contest for free stuff. Remember: free = good

Joe, good luck.

Happy Fireworks!

Fourth of July wasn’t bad at all.

Saturday started off with a party with some friends in Columbia, which is more or less in the middle of nowhere. I always love it when we get to go there, since it means I can blow up all the fireworks I have that are too big for my yard. Most excellent.

Sunday saw a graduation party which was plenty fun. Mainly hanging out, but we did manage to get our asses handed to us in volleyball by a bunch of little kids. Got back around 2 AM, pass out.

Sleep most of Monday away, then get ready for the town’s fireworks.
Now, I’ve been doing my own little fireworks shows for a few years now, but it still makes me extremely happy to see the big stuff go off. I loves me some explosives.
Most of the people we had planned on meeting to watch the fireworks with didn’t show, because they were too late, needed to take a shower, couldn’t find parking, etc. Oh well, still a great night.

For one reason or another, I couldn’t get any sleep last night. My brain just wouldn’t turn off. Stupid brain.

Anyway, next week, I’ll be gone. Grey Fox Bluegrass Festival. Most excellent. This will be my 19th year going.
Joe will be in charge here, keeping things running more or less. Submit some articles, help him and me out, and get yourself in that contest for free stuff.

Thats all I can think of right now. Looking forward to the SomJuan Screening this Friday.