
Burning Man Burned Early

If you haven’t heard yet, the man was torched early this year. I had pretty mixed feelings about this, but was more or less indifferent. People take the event far too seriously. In any case, I hadn’t planned on posting anything about this until I read this letter from the dude who *allegedly* did it:

Hi, folks. This is the *alleged* arsonist/douchebag/attention whore himself, writing you from Fernley, NV, where I have been chilling out for a couple of days.

Having read your various comments, a few things should be addressed. First, this operation was extensively planned well in advance, and the number one thing to Black Rock Intelligence was that NO ONE be hurt. If you people actually knew us, you’d know that we have an extensive background in doing things exactly like this. In fact, we were on the ground for some thirty minutes before ascent, scoping the scene and clearing people in order to minimize any possiblity of injury to others. We were aided by several people who were recruited on the playa the night of this burn (BRI has no idea who they are, so don’t bother asking).

Second, the operation was planned in conjunction with the lunar eclipse because Black Rock Intelligence knew that another event at the trash fence would draw the bulk of lunatics to it, rather than to the Man. In fact, one of our peripheral operatives aided in getting as many people to the fence event as possible to help BRI achieve its goal of zero injuries.

Third, word went out across the playa days in advance that Black Rock Intelligence was pulling this op. This word continued to go out right up to the moment that our chief operator began the arduous climb up the guide wire. As you can all see from the results, BRI performed flawlessly in this regard.

We could give a fuck less what you all think of us for doing this. Most of you are newbies who have been drawn in by the semi-religious nature of the event, or maybe just the easy drugs and easier sex. You have nothing to offer the event other than your fucking money and obedience. You spend the rest of your lives in mortal fear of everything that insurance companies tell you to fear, and pretend that you’re free and clear because you spend four days at a desert bacchanal where spinelessness is not only encouraged but genetically replicated for implementation in successive generations. In short, you are the swine of which Thompson spoke. Get over yourselves.

Some of us live quite well without fear. Doing so requires the ultimate in what Burning Man used to represent: personal responsibility and individual liberty. That’s all been lost in the last decade of Burning Man’s history. Consider this operation a history lesson that was desperately needed.

One final note: Black Rock Intelligence has been permanently disbanded. All other operatives have made the ultimate sacrifice by swallowing their L-pills to avoid being captured alive. I am the sole surviving member of BRI and ask that you respect my mourning period for those who gave their lives so that this operation was a complete success.

Paul D. Addis
Fernley, NV

Rock on, Paul D. Addis.


Words by Umphrey’s McGee

I wonder how many words in the Dictionary have only one definition…

I should probably explain this a bit.
I’m working on a project called ‘everything is subjective.’ This project involves the use of many definitions to clarify the meanings of words used. This is likely my most pretentious project to date, and I’m proud of that. It reeks of modern art, but it feels right. I’ll probably post any updates of revelations I have while working on this. I have no clue when it will be done, but once it is finished I’ll be posting it online.


Yup, back from vacation, but I’m somehow still busy. Amazing.

So it turns out I’ll have a roommate this fall, which is unfortunate, but he seems to be cool enough. I have yet to talk to him much, but he’s transferring from RIT and I saw a picture of him wearing an Open Solaris shirt, so I think we’ll be getting along fine. It’d be nice to have someone around who knows more about computers than I do.

Otherwise no real news. I’ll try and post something interesting soon, but no promises.


I’m gonna be down in Niantic for the next two weeks. If you want to come down, give me a call beforehand so I can make sure we’ll have somewhere for you to stay. Hope to see you there.


I had an incredibly full day today. About as full as they ever are when I’m at home. I’m still sort of impressed and amazed by the amount of things I’ve done today. But enough of that. I’m tired now, so I’m gonna go to bed soon.

Why no updates since I’ve been back? Tired. Busy. Don’t really have anything to say. I’m thinking of just telling stories and anecdotes from the past. But that requires time. Which I don’t have right now. I’ll see what I can do.


Lots of Drops of Brandy by The Chieftains

I’ve finally uploaded my pictures from Bonnaroo. You can see them here:

Most of those pictures suck, but there is the occasional worthwhile shot. There are also a couple shots of Hopper in there for anyone interested. All those pics were taken on disposable cameras, so the quality is a bit grainy (although a good deal of that isn’t the camera, but the dust in the air). I also haven’t quite figured out what every picture is of. Most of the pics were of bands I saw, because that was a good deal of my time at ‘roo.

That said, I’ll be leaving for Grey Fox tomorrow morning. So its doubtful you’ll hear from me for at least a week. I realized earlier today that I’ve gone and done this huge write up about Bonnaroo, and I’ve never written anything about Grey Fox/Winterhawk. I hope I remember that, because as time keeps going on, the little memories that make the place special go with it.

Maybe I’ll do that when I get back.