
Video on Flickr?

Consonance by …me, embarrassingly enough

I would be really pumped for this. YouTube / Google Video / whatever other flash video site mostly annoy me. The only one I could ever really see myself using is, but even they are missing some basic things I would want from such a service. I’m almost certain that if Flickr can handle the backend for hosting videos, then they will be the best such service on the web. Their frontend for photos and even general site usage is unparalleled. Looking forward to it.
Update: Video on Flickr! But only 90 seconds? :-/ Guess I’ll stick with Blip

[Carriage] House

Kiss Of Death by Hindu Kush

So it looks like I spoke too soon. Although I didn’t really, we won the bid for the house, and all we had left to do was sign the lease. But two folks dropped out, and with them goes a lot of the fun, and half the rent. We’ve tried to find some last minute replacements, but because its a two year lease, its really only appealing to folks a year or more below me. And even then, its late enough in the semester that most people have made plans. So no house. Instead, I’ll be living in Carriage House, which is closer, but also less awesome. If nothing else, I’ll have the bus with me, for when I need to get away.

21 is a Bust

Please, believe me: the movie is even worse than the title of this post. I was a fool. I did not heed good advice. I even talked to Ned about the movie, and I still went to see it. He warned me about the “Hollywood math”, but the previews and the concept looked so good.

Five minutes in, it was all over. Well, it was really over from the opening line (“Winner, winner, chicken dinner!”) but at about five minutes in we had already (correctly) predicted the ending. Yes, it is that formulaic, and even though the movie is about math that is still a bad thing. It stays entertainingish, with threats like “If I see you in here again, I will break your cheekbone with a small hammer. And then I will kill you.”
Final Warning: Do Not See This Movie.

Side note: about the FeedBurner feed…I guess you do need to change your feed to the new one if you want the links included in it. But you’ll still get posts if you don’t change it, so do what you will.


Cassidy by the Grateful Dead

So, it has taken me forever to get around to it, but I’ve finally signed up for FeedBurner. I’m not really sure why it took so long. I guess it was because I never really cared (and to be fair, I still don’t) about the stats or whatever on my personal blog. But I did care about the stats on, so I went on over to FeedBurner to get that all set up. In the process of setting up that blog, I noticed that FeedBurner is pretty damn nice – significantly nicer than when I last saw it (ages ago). So I’ve gone and changed this blog over to FeedBurner as well. You don’t need to update your feeds though, they should redirect automagically. If you’re reading this through an RSS reader now, then it has obviously worked.

So I guess the only real reason I’m posting this (besides to gush about FeedBurner) is to give a heads up to anyone reading this through RSS, because thanks to FB I’ve included my bookmarks in the same feed. Which is rather cool.


House from the backyard, originally uploaded by somjuan.

That picture shows the house we’ll be renting for the next two years, as seen from the backyard. It isn’t exactly near campus, but its gorgeous, and decently priced. I know I’m looking forward to it. Some more pictures:

River in the backyardRock in the backyard, near river

Change Congress Together

Change Congress I hope you saw my post a little while back with the video Lawrence Lessig made about the Change Congress project ( If you haven’t seen it yet, go watch it. If you have seen it, I hope you’ve signed up on their site.

We need a change in Congress. We need members of Congress to care about what their constituency care about. I know I don’t contact my congresscritter because I’m almost certain it won’t make a difference. The few times I have contacted them, I’ve either heard nothing, or received a letter detailing their stance on the subject, and why they won’t change it. We need straightforward bills that won’t be sabotaged by earmarks snuck into otherwise useful legislation. We need Congresscritters to stop taking money from lobbyists and PACs, and start relying on public financing. The people’s voice is the one that matters.

For God’s sake the color wars are coming!

New York City by moe.

So wow. Check out the color wars on twitter. I’m not really sure how it started, but it seems like zefrank has taken control. I was wondering if ze would take to twitter, or if it would just fade into a weird little twitter page like everyone else’s, giving readers more information than they ever really wanted or needed. Its cool to see him starting craziness in some place other than his own realm.


Ugh, since about this time last week, I’ve been feeling really crappy. I don’t get sick often, but when I do, its always really bad. That’s why there were no posts this last week, and probably won’t be for a few more days.