And its a good thing too. I’ve hit that point in the semester where I’m restless again. I’m used to it by now though, and I can ride through it without getting too bummed about sitting around wasting my time.
I only have four days of classes left. And I have Thanksgiving break in the middle of those four. Then finals. This semester was easy. In fact, it just goes to prove my complaint about the educational system. Now that I’m actually in upper level classes, bullshit work is not required of me, and for the most part all I have to do is show up, listen, and think. That’s the way it should be, all along the road.
Though, this does have detrimental effects on boring classes. My poetry class (which is about reading, not writing, poetry) is tedious, and over analyzes otherwise enjoyable poems. I’ve found myself reading the assigned poems and then skipping class, opting for a nap on a couch in the lounge a few floors above.