I’m incredibly bored.

Kick It Open by Moonalice

I’m bored to a point I haven’t been in a long time. It isn’t good. I dunno, maybe that’s not true, but it feels like I’m incredibly bored. I have school work that I could be doing, but it is very little, and only one of those things is actually necessary. I’m doing better in school that I ever have before this semester, and I’m at a point in the semester where I can’t actually screw that up. So school work is out.

I went over my bandwidth yesterday (or the day before, I forget), but that isn’t the reason for my boredom. I’m not so addicted to the internet that one to two days without it renders me useless. I’m almost there, but not quite. No, the real reason for my boredom is the lack of people to hang out with. And even when there are the people, there’s a lack of time. It seems that I’m the only person who has this amount of free time on his hands, so I get to spend most of it alone.

So I think I’m going to start telling stories. I’ve been meaning to do this for a long time, but I’ve never quite gotten around to it, probably because I had better things to do. But I’ve run out of those better things, so its time I got crackin. It’s gonna be weird though, no real rhyme or reason behind the order they’ll be coming out – my memory comes and goes as it wants to, so those stories will as well.