21 is a Bust

Please, believe me: the movie is even worse than the title of this post. I was a fool. I did not heed good advice. I even talked to Ned about the movie, and I still went to see it. He warned me about the “Hollywood math”, but the previews and the concept looked so good.

Five minutes in, it was all over. Well, it was really over from the opening line (“Winner, winner, chicken dinner!”) but at about five minutes in we had already (correctly) predicted the ending. Yes, it is that formulaic, and even though the movie is about math that is still a bad thing. It stays entertainingish, with threats like “If I see you in here again, I will break your cheekbone with a small hammer. And then I will kill you.”
Final Warning: Do Not See This Movie.

Side note: about the FeedBurner feed…I guess you do need to change your feed to the new one if you want the del.icio.us links included in it. But you’ll still get posts if you don’t change it, so do what you will.