
New Soul by Yael Naim

I got to go sledding yesterday for the first time in years. I don’t know why, but of all the things I do in the winter, I haven’t gone sledding since I went to college. With some friends, we went exploring Wesleyan’s campus for decent hills, staircases, and other things with an incline.

We got a good amount of sledding in, and were cold and wet by the end of it, but the best run of the day for me was my first. Dan and I got there before the others, and ran out to the street so we could sled down there before the plow trucks came. I had wanted to do something similar this last new year’s eve, since they were calling for snow, and I figured most everyone would be off the streets. Unfortunately, it never snowed, and I didn’t get that chance. But sledding headfirst down the middle of a road is every bit as fun as it sounds. Next time, we’ll have to try and find an even steeper hill.

Sidenote, I’ve been listening to Yael Naim all day. Her song is featured in the new Macbook Air commercial, which is what turned me on to her. Give her stuff a listen, its worth it.