Rocksteady by Houdini Roadshow
Last Thursday Fedora 8 was released, and of course, I wanted to upgrade. I was still using FC6, and I figured an upgrade over the existing OS would be ugly (in part because there is one release gap between the two, and I never really had a stable install of FC6), so I prepared for a fresh install. Thanks to Google, I didn’t have to worry about documents or the like. I’m still working on moving more of my media online (videos to Google video/YouTube, pictures to Flickr/Picasa). In the end, I only had about 12 gigs of files from my old system that I wanted to keep (not counting my external hard drive).
So I go to move those 12 gigs to the external, and something is wrong. My external is now read-only. After playing with it for a while, and figuring out that there wasn’t much I could do, I decided I’d just move the contents of the external back to my desktop, format the external, then move everything (plus the 12 gigs) back to the external. Great. While copying the 200-some-odd GBs to my desktop, the filesystem on the external corrupts. I have no idea why this happens, and after a couple attempts I find it cannot be saved. So I’m formatting the external, and that goes smoothly. I can now back up those 12 gigs, and install Fedora 8.
And I did, without any other issues. But I’m now down one very large music collection. I don’t care too much though: its happened before, I know I can rebuild. Just frustrating. So today, I wake up, and find out I went over my bandwidth. Crap.
Anyway, Fedora 8 is slick, and I’d recommend it to anyone interested in Linux.