6 degrees of…


I’m sure you recognize the above song from Pirates of the Caribbean. I know I did, when I heard it in The Rock earlier tonight. I’ve got a pretty good ear, I think, and recognized the song immediately as it played during a scene where Nick Cage was running to disarm a missile. So what do these two movies have in common?

1) Jerry Bruckheimer produced both of these movies. Probably not directly responsible, but its a safe bet he brought in person #2.

2) Hans Zimmer – Although Nick Glennie-Smith is the credited composer of The Rock, Hans Zimmer appears as ‘composer: 2 themes, music producer, score arranger.’ Klaus Badelt is the composer of the first of the Pirates movies (and the song above), but Hans Zimmer composed the second two movies (Badelt is not credited anywhere in either of those).

More curiosities: in the reviews of the first Pirates movie soundtrack (composed by Badelt, produced by Zimmer) on Amazon, people recognized similarities to Gladiator and Crimson Tide (both composed by Zimmer).

So did Nick Glennie-Smith originally write the song for The Rock, or was that the music Hans Zimmer was credited for? If Zimmer wrote it, then why is that song attributed to Klaus Badelt? And why isn’t Badelt credited in the second and third Pirates movies, when his song is clearly used? The obvious answer would be that Zimmer, not Badelt, wrote the song. But, far more evidence points to Badelt.

I’m not going to draw any conclusions, because I don’t see any. I’m not trying to expose anything, just trying to satisfy my curiosity. So there’s some useless detective work for you.

One thought on “6 degrees of…”

  1. that’s fascinating. haven’t seen that movie in ages. hey, john, what’s you’re primary email address you use? send it to my email, ali.telmesani@gmail.com. cool, thanks.

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