Ike Stubblefield by Aquarium Rescue Unit
So, this is an idea that I’ve had floating around for months now. I’d suspect it came to me sometime torwards the end of summer, August or the like.
I would like to get a wristwatch (analog) tattooed onto my wrist, but not tattoo any watch hands. So the idea being I could draw in whatever time I would like with a pen/marker/whatever, or just leave it blank and let it be ‘timeless.’ I like the idea of having a dynamic piece of art on my wrist, which I could change (slightly at least) whenever I liked, using the watch face as my canvas. Keep in mind I wouldn’t only be drawing on watch hands, but words, designs, whatever was appropriate for that moment.
I’ve told several people this idea, and while some like it, and find it clever/interesting; others think it’s an insane idea, and have strongly opposed this idea. I think it would be wonderful, and I assure you I have thought this through. The idea has been on my mind very often, to the point where I will glance at my wrist to check the time (I don’t wear a watch). If I had to cover this for some reason, a long sleeve shirt, or even a real watch would do the trick.
I am quite serious about doing this. I’ve been meaning to write an entry about this for some time, but it never came to my mind when I was posting. I remembered today, when I saw this post about a wristwatch piercing. I’m not really a fan of piercings (at least on myself), but the piercing is nonetheless interesting. (As far as piercings go, I’d think the Pierced Eyeglasses are more practical / cool)
Anywise, what I would like about a tattooed watch is that I would be able to design it from the ground up. It certainly doesn’t need to adhere to traditional watch designs, and I don’t expect it to. I’ll be designing that as I get free time. While I am quite into this idea, I’m probably not going to go through with it for some time, due to financial constraints. I really don’t have money to throw at a tattoo right now, or even in the next couple years (bus takes priority).
man, iv’e been thinking about getting a wrist watch tattoo also
it would be awesome and i’m really into the no hands idea go for it
people that dont like the idea are boring
im gonna get a watch tattoo soon as I get the dough and find the right person to do it
Glad there’s some support for the wristwatch tattoo. I’ve been thinking about it more lately, and I’ve redesigned it into more of a minimalist style. Email me if you wanna toss ideas around.
I have a wrist watch tattoo. Right wrist, it has a ‘cracked’ face, its kind of a rolex design, with free hand band, with the hands at 4:20, put a real watch over it or a long sleeve shirt and it’ll be covered pretty well
I’d love to see a picture, if you have one. either way, email me at daboo (at) somjuan (dot) com, I’d love to hear some more about it.